
Update: 1/2016 Loose crown, recemented without problem

By CometGlare Sunday, January 17, 2016
I promised to update this blog when my dental condition changed, even in a minor way, so here's my latest adventure in dentistry.

A first molar came unstuck during vigorous flossing right before New Year's.  These things always seem to happen on major holidays.  The following week, my local dentist removed it with a special tool; apparently some of the glue still held the crown firmly in place.   He examined the crown and the prep (tooth stub) and said both were fine.  He recemented it, and the dental assistant had a time removing the stray cement.  The dentist said that the molar had a short prep, but my teeth were short to begin with.

Since the crown was never loose even after it got unstuck, I'm not too worried about it now.  I've changed my flossing habits so now I floss with only one strand of floss rather than the two strands together I had been using.  End of adventure.  Will update as needed.

Happy 2016 to you, dear reader!

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